Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Life is good

I have been in an absolutely wonderful mood for the past few weeks. I am starting to get into a little bit of a routine at site and it allows me to do the things that interest me. On Mondays and Wednesdays I am working at the local health center and I am trying to start some education programs. So far, that means me talking to mothers for an hour or two, answering their questions and trying to teach them how to prevent common diseases. I love that and the mothers really seem to enjoy it. Best of all, I help with baby weighing and there are few things funnier than looking at a baby's face as it dangles from a hanging scale.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work in the field, which means very long walks, some teaching, and, usually, a huge lunch. I have been walking a ton here (not counting my two, 15+ mile walks to town) and I enjoy the hell out of that. I walk with my counterparts and it gives me a chance to talk to them about all the questions I have about Uganda. I need to start practicing my language more, I have flatlined a bit. That is my goal for the next couple of months. On Friday I work with Paul, one of my counterparts. We do not have a set program yet, but we are trying to develop a few ideas. Mondays and Thursdays are Market days and I enjoy looking for neat clothing. Haven't bought anything yet, but there are lots of fun shirts, like a "Nyet Nyet Soviet" shirt with and crossed out sickle and hammer. I usually get lunch and milk tea at the Market, which lets me talk to some women. The woman I usually go to, Juliet, makes donuts. I am going to teach her to make a glaze so she can sell more. Anyone with a good recipe, please email me.
At night I have been eating out at friends houses a lot. Many nights that's Josh, the other volunteer that lives 10 minutes away, but lately it has been at the houses of Ugandans. I went to a friend's birthday party last night and ended up drinking Malwa (a maize and millet moonshine) with the girls family and grandmother. Pictures should come soon!
So, that's what I'm up to (plus, reading a lot - Neil, thanks for the New Yorkers!) and I want to bike more soon. I had my first machete accident last night as I sliced my finger. I am okay, just a lot of blood.
Miss and love most of you!

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